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Mrs Crowther Interview


Interview with Mrs Crowther, Year 4 Teacher

Mrs Crowther said she enjoyed teaching her new class. The topic this half-term is Rivers and is led by the story – The Wind in the Willows. We also found out Mrs Crowther’s favourite subject to teach is English;

“I love it when I can tell that people are improving in their reading, through their writing. Also, I can read some of the wonderful things people write.”

As a child, Mrs Crowther’s least favourite subject was Geography because the teachers didn’t make it interesting, but now teachers do. Interestingly, it is one of her favourite subjects to teach.

Why did you become a teacher?

“I trained as a nurse, working in trauma, A & E departments. Later I taught new nurses and decided that I enjoyed teaching so much, that I became a teacher.”

Do you have a favourite school?

I don’t have a favourite school. Fortunately, in all the schools I’ve been to, everyone has welcomed me and helped me make friends which made me feel happy.

Which countries have you taught in?

“I have taught in America, Africa and England, the north and south of the country. Interestingly, teaching isn’t too different in South Africa, because the curriculum is the same. Although the classroom, was just a little shelter.”

Do you enjoy teaching your new class?

“Yes, very much because I am used to teaching older children, so it is nice to spend time with the younger children. Having raised four children of my own, I enjoy all ages.”

What is your least favourite subject to teach?

“I would say Music, because I am not a musical person.”

Do you like pencil cases?

“Well, I think that if children are sensible and don’t fiddle, it is nice for them to have their own things. “

Do you prefer school dinners or pack lunches?

“Definitely, school dinners.”


June 2019

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