The School Council at North Downs Primary School is an integral part of life here. It is important to us that all children have a voice for continuity across our three sites, as well as for growth and change. We value all pupils’ thoughts, feelings and ideas, so the School Council is a way of bringing these together to be the best we can be every day and make positive change with everyone in mind. We know that all of these young people will one day be the grown-ups and therefore responsibilities like this help them to understand how groups of people can come together to nurture and encourage good things to happen!
At the start of the year, those children who are interested in sitting on the School Council each present a short speech to say what would make them a good candidate. Each class then votes for a boy and a girl to represent their class. During Jigsaw lessons, the class teachers give the School Council representatives time to hear the views of their classmates. Each half-term whole School Council meet together and share the overall views with a member of staff.
Please click on the School Council link for more details about our Council reps.