Governing Board
Mr Ed Airey - Parent Governor
I moved to Brockham in late 2020 and my son has been happily attending North Downs since. Myself and my wife have been really impressed not only by his development, but crucially his enjoyment at the school. I work as an HR Director with a varied background across a number of industries and I am really looking forward to using this experience in any way I can to support the school and the Board of Governors, which I am delighted to be joining. Ultimately I hope all the children get to have an inspiring, creative, nourishing, rewarding and happy time. |
Mr Ed Airey Parent Governor |
Appointed by: The Parents of NDPS |
Term of office: 07/02/24 - 06/02/28 |
Register of interests: TBC |
Accordion content
Mrs Debra Beer - Safeguarding Governor
I have worked within the NHS for 28 years, where I currently work for the Chairman, CEO and Medical Directors. I have joined the Governing Board at North Downs with for 23 years experience as a school governor at both primary and secondary schools. I am also an Advanced Skills Governor and am excited to have this opportunity to join the North Downs team. I will do all I can to provide support to the school and use my skills to ensure children get the best possible education and start in life. |
Mrs Debra Beer Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: The Governing Board
Term of office: 15/07/21 - 14/07/25 |
Register of interests: None |
Attendance at meetings: 2020/21 - 1/1 2021/22 - 6/6 2022/23 - 5/6 2023/24 - 0/2 |
Mrs Julie Boyer - Staff Governor
I retrained to become a teacher when I was 38 leaving my Publishing career and now I am 50, I am challenging myself to study for an apprenticeship NPQSL to enhance my leadership skills…I still love learning. The best part about my job is being with the children and laughing with them! As staff governor I am able to see the positive impact of improving well-being, particularly as a result of the pandemic. As passionate PSHE Lead, I am keen to investigate how this can improve staff morale and motivation feeding into children’s academic success. |
Mrs Julie Boyer Staff Governor |
Appointed by: The staff at NDPS |
Term of office: 07/07/21 - 06/07/25 |
Register of interests: None |
Attendance at meetings: 2020/1 - 1/1 2021/22 - 5/6 2022/23 - 6/6 2023/24 - 2/2 |
Mr Peter Cowley - Co-opted Governor
I have lived in Brockham since 2002, and my daughter was a pupil at the school from 2010-2017. I am serving my second spell as a governor, having previously acted as a parent governor from 2015 to 2018. I am the Finance Director at the Waverley Abbey Trust, a Christian charity with part of its operations in Higher Education, providing degree and other courses in Counselling, Spiritual Formation, Chaplaincy etc. I have a Chemistry degree from Oxford, have followed Manchester City through thick and (mainly) thin, enjoying playing guitar and am a musician at Christ Church in Brockham, where I also serve as Treasurer. |
Mr Peter Cowley Co-opted Governor |
Appointed by: The Governing Board |
Term of office: 13/07/23 - 12/07/27 |
Register of interests: Finance Director - Waverley Abbey Trust (incl. Waverley Abbey College) Treasurer - Parochial Church Council, Christ Church Brockham Green |
Attendance at meetings: 2023/24 - 2/2 |
Mrs Jane Douglass - Headteacher Governor
I have been a Headteacher in Surrey since September 1999, and am delighted to say that I am currently the Headteacher at North Downs. This is my third substantive Headship, and I have also acted as an interim Headteacher at two other schools, at the request of the local authority. North Downs is a very unusual school, in that we are spread over three sites in three different villages. However, the whole school community could not be stronger, with pupils, parents, staff and governors striving to "Be the best you can be, every day". |
Mrs Jane Douglass Headteacher Governor
Appointed by: n/a |
Term of office: n/a |
Register of interests: Trustee of the Bantum Trust |
Attendance at meetings: 2018/19 - 7/7 2019/20 - 8/8 2020/21 - 7/7 2021/22 - 6/6 2022/23 - 6/6 2023/24 - 2/2 |
Mr Gareth Edwards - Parent Governor
I am the father of two boys at the school and have welcomed the opportunity to join the board of governors at the school, to help its staff and pupils continue to 'be the best you can be, every day.' I am confident the skills I have gained as an airline pilot, where I am a training captain, Human Factors Instructor, and a member of the pilot selection team, along with previous experience as a magistrate, will allow me to contribute positively to the role of governor. |
Mr Gareth Edwards Parent Governor |
Appointed by: The Parents of NDPS |
Term of office: 29/03/23 - 28/03/27 |
Register of interests: None |
Attendance at meetings: 2022/23 - 2/2 2023/24 - 1/2 |
Mr Dan Fisher - Parent Governor
I have two children at North Downs at present. Both children started in Betchworth before moving to Leigh and now Brockham and have loved their time at NDPS. I have been volunteering with FONDS since 2019, acting as the Treasurer and have been involved in fundraising for new equipment and resources across the three school sites. I work as a consultant in local government - predominantly in Adult Social Care & Health - working with local councils supporting them to understand their expenditure & deliver their saving plans, understand their demand and their data and ultimately deliver a balanced budget. Hopefully I can use my experience to support the school and the Board of Governors over the next four years. |
Mr Dan Fisher Parent Governor |
Appointed by: The Parents of NDPS
Term of office: 07/02/24 - 06/02/28 |
Register of interests: TBC |
Mr Spencer King - Local Authority Governor
I moved into Brockham over 10 years ago and have tried to involve myself in all aspects of village life. This has included helping with the bonfire, the Victorian Fair and a previous stint as a governor at the school. I have been running my businesses in the local area for nearly 30 years. Both of my children loved their time at the school and have now moved on to secondary school. I hope as a governor I can help other children have the same experience my children did at North Downs Primary School. In my spare time I tutor Maths so have a special interest in the teaching of Maths and Neurodiversity. |
Mr Spencer King Local Authority Governor
Appointed by: The Local Authority
Term of office: 24/06/2023 - 23/06/2027 |
Register of interests: Director of C&D King Ltd. |
Attendance at meetings: 2022/23 - 1/1 2023/24 - 2/2
Mr Jonny Lutton - Co-opted Governor
I have been an aviation professional at British Airways for almost 20 years, working in a variety of Flight Operations Training or Technical management roles for the last 10 years; as well as being a current Boeing 787 Captain. I have responsibility for aviation safety policy, safety investigation and operating procedures and have also worked extensively with the UK aviation regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority. This regulatory and aviation safety oversight experience gives me a broad range of skills in training, safety and risk management. I have lived in Brockham with my family since January 2015 and both of my children attend North Downs Primary School. I am really pleased to have been asked to join the Governors Board in a co-opted role, and I hope my position allows me to help the school deliver the highest standards of education and child welfare. |
Mr Jonny Lutton Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: The Governing Board |
Term of office: 21/03/22 - 20/03/26 |
Register of interests: None |
Attendance at meetings: 2021/22 - 4/4 2022/23 - 4/6 2023/24 - 1/2
Mrs Wendy Mumford - Chair of Governors
I am delighted to be part of the Governing Body at North Downs and feel I have much to offer having been in education for the past 20 years as a class teacher, SENCo, head of specialist provision and, most recently, as a Specialist Teacher for the local authority. I am passionate that all children deserve the best education and in equal opportunities for every child. |
Mrs Wendy Mumford Co-opted Governor ![]() |
Appointed by: The Governing Board |
Term of office: 28/11/22 - 27/11/26 |
Register of interests: None |
Attendance at meetings: 2018/19 - 4/6 2019/20 - 7/8 2020/21 - 7/7 2021/22 - 6/6 2022/23 - 6/6 2023/24 - 2/2 |
The governors believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.
The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender, and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.
Due to our relatively small governing board, we will not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.
Clerk to the Governors Amy Currier Email:
The Governing Board would like to express their thanks and gratitude for all of their help to the following former Governors: