Personal, Social, Health Education
Our PSHE curriculum embraces Jigsaw ‘the mindful, whole school approach to PSHE’ and provides our pupils with a detailed and progressive scheme of learning, aiming to prepare children for life, helping them know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. Our teaching of PSHE underpins our children’s capacity to learn, build positive relationships across the whole school community and thrive as human beings.
Our curriculum includes Relationships Sex and Health Education (RHSE) fulfilling DFE statutory requirements and is taught in the summer term. This whole school approach encompasses each of the following topics every half term:
- Being me in my world
- Celebrating difference
- Dreams and goals
- Healthy me
- Relationships
- Changing Me
These important topics include:
- relationships
- values,
- mental health and well-being
- spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC)
- self-esteem
- social skills
- safeguarding and Internet safety
For further information regarding our PSHRE curriculum please contact Mrs Boyer, our Subject Lead, by emailing